There are aspects of working in real estate that are like gravity—invisible forces that affect everyone and everything regardless of whether you understand them. They are quietly working during every interaction, including real estate transactions. You can learn to leverage these principles to better connect with prospects and wow your clients. Or you can ignore them and wonder why you aren’t getting the results you want.

德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® instructor EksAyn Anderson teaches Psychology of Sales and Negotiation. The CE course describes how to improve your real estate business by aligning your words and actions with key psychological principles.

“Whenever we’re dealing with people, there’s always an element of psychology,” he says. “这就是2021十大正规彩票app经纪人整天的工作. Knowing how to effectively deal with people will make you a better agent for your clients.”

The principles Anderson teaches won’t surprise you—honesty and trustworthiness, 例如,但完全取决于你如何使用它们.


为什么潜在客户会选择你而不是镇上的其他2021十大正规彩票app中介? 你能说什么或做什么来吸引潜在客户联系你?

潜在客户会选择与他们有联系的专业人士. 你可以用你的个人故事来建立信任,从而促进这种联系, 你的价值观, 还有你的行为.

Anderson tells a story of how he was the only sales agent invited to a meeting with a powerful executive in New York. Anderson’s first email was one of countless forgettable messages the office received that day. 他的后续电话开头同样令人难忘.

安德森注意到这位行政助理帮了大忙. 在他给这位高管的第二封邮件中, 他首先真诚地称赞了助理的专业精神.

When they met, the executive told Anderson he got the meeting because he was nice to his assistant. 这位高管视她为值得信赖的伙伴和看门人.

安德森真诚的感谢赢得了这位高管的信任. 即使是世界上最有说服力的电子邮件也不会促成那次会面. 一封有效展示他们共同价值观的电子邮件——在这种情况下, 对助理工作的赞赏.


问一些深思熟虑的问题可以帮助你更好地为客户服务. “If we can listen more, we can ensure we understand their needs,安德森说. “最好的专业人士在开任何处方之前都会进行诊断.”

安德森举了一个活动DJ的例子. 如果顾客问DJ他是否播放某种类型的音乐, he could answer with his favorite styles or offer to play whatever the customer wants. 但是通过询问更多的信息,DJ可以更好地调整他的回答. 然后他就会知道聚会上的客人喜欢或讨厌某些类型的音乐.

考虑一下这种方法对你的工作有什么好处. 你的客户告诉你,他们的首要任务是一栋感觉舒适的房子. 你可以给他们看有壁炉和天然材料的房子. But what if by cozy they really mean a living room that draws people together or a home on a cul-de-sac? By asking clarifying questions, you will find out what they really mean by cozy.


你的动机会影响你的行动. Clients can tell if you are motivated by money or their satisfaction with the deal.

Anderson says the best sales agents act nothing like the salesperson stereotype: pushy, 操纵, 不注意的, 金钱驱动. 他2021十大正规彩票app要成为别人想要的那种人. 和你一起工作愉快. 诚实,有爱心.

“If your clients need space, tell them to take as much time as they need,” he says. “你越不咄咄逼人,你就越可能成功.”

Being accommodating comes naturally when you truly want to find the best property for your clients or optimize their sale. 你的客户会相信你在为他们的成功投资. 他们会想要和你一起克服任何障碍来完成交易.


想象两条平行线. 一个代表期望,另一个代表现实.

When expectations are above reality, the distance between the lines is disappointment. 当现实超出预期时,距离就是喜悦. 距离越大,感情越深.

There are many ways to set or lower unrealistic expectations when offering services. 安德森2021十大正规彩票app找到超出预期的方法. 你超出期望的越多,快乐就越大.

安德森讲述了他妻子有一次特别想念父母的故事. 他给了她一个惊喜,给了她去看望他们的机票. She went from no expectation of seeing them to the reality of boarding passes in hand. 这种距离给她带来了很多快乐.

You can create delight with your real estate clients by exceeding their expectations. That can take many forms: finding a larger-than-expected home in your buyer clients’ budget, 为卖家提供一份清单或时间表, or even offering a cold bottle of water while touring homes on a hot Texas afternoon. 你的客户会记住的.


It’s a common misconception that negotiations must be hostile and you must be a bully to hold your own. 安德森说,事实并非如此.

谈判是交易的一部分. 你想成为人们愿意与之打交道的人——无论是现在还是将来. You can still set boundaries and state your client’s position with the same courtesy and professionalism you’d want others to give to you. 安德森说:“你可以表现得很好,同时又能成为一名出色的谈判者.

最好的谈判发生在人们相互信任的时候. Tapping into the principle of the golden rule helps build the trust you and your clients need to get you through the essential give-and-take of negotiations. Doing so could mean thousands of dollars knocked off a sale price or a willingness to work around inconvenient timetables. 这一切都是因为一种联系.


How can you become invested in the success of a client or activity when your heart is not in it?

投资无论如何. 表现得像你完全支持我一样. “如果你想在任何关系中取得成功, 让你每天的小决定都与这些原则保持一致,安德森说.

如果你讨厌某项锻炼,但每天都坚持不懈地完成它, 假以时日,你会喜欢上它的. 在你成功之前,你不是在假装. 你的行动更重要,你的行动可能会改变你的观点.

如果你害怕找工作,那就去找吧. 你可能不喜欢这些电话或其他活动, 但在一些积极的结果之后,你可能就不那么介意了.


一旦你开始寻找他们, 你可能会看到心理学原理在你的工作中起作用.

Think of the times you exceeded expectations or solved a problem for a client. 也许你的客户事后会显得更友好或更有反应. 或者想想当你说错话导致沟通中断的时候. 之后,你的客户可能不再那么积极响应或投资.

回顾一下你高飞或失败的情况. 你做了什么不同的事情? 你现在会如何改变你的方法? 如果你想搞好人际关系, 善于与管理人际关系的原则保持一致,安德森说.