
Thousands of 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® converged on the state Capitol in Austin on March 26 to advocate for private property rights and the real estate industry.

Your state association organizes this event every session to ensure the Texas Legislature hears directly from REALTORS® about the impact proposed legislation may have on their districts back home.

Many other organizations have advocacy days, but no one does it on the scale we do.

接近3,000 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® came to the Capitol to meet with legislators—our highest attendance ever!

This show of force at the Capitol is a great reminder that 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® live, 工作, 在每个立法区投票.

REALTORS® had appointments with all 181 members of the Texas House 
and Senate.

Every meeting was an opportunity to educate lawmakers on our legislative priorities, including property tax and school finance reform, 结束强制的城市兼并, and supporting disaster relief and response.

Check out the #RealtorDay hashtag on social media to see hundreds of posts from lawmakers themselves saying how much they appreciate visiting with REALTORS® from their districts.

Your association was also honored with resolutions in the Senate and House, 正式承认3月26日, 2019年是德克萨斯州国会大厦的REALTOR®日.

Your 领导 Team was proud to witness firsthand as lawmakers read the resolutions and recognized the thousands of 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® in attendance.

What an incredible experience to be there in the House and Senate chambers when representative after representative … and senator after senator … called on the REALTORS® from their respective districts seated in the galleries to stand and be recognized.

As chairman of 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®, I’m often asked to speak on behalf of our association.

但在公共政策方面, it’s your individual voice that has the greatest impact on individual lawmakers.

Not just during session, but at home, too.

That’s why our 工作 to support strong public policies is never done.

作为2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®, we like to say that we’re in the relationship business—that includes having relationships with our elected officials.

If you have an existing relationship with a lawmaker, let us know we can call on you to reach out to them.

Your connection back home can make a significant difference when we need to encourage lawmakers to support or oppose legislation.

You will always be our best grassroots advocates.